my priorities
Recent growth (residential and commercial) has amplified our city’s traffic. I’ll advocate increased funding for roundabouts and adaptive signals to clear roads quickly.
I’ll push accelerated development of sidewalks and wider paved paths wherever possible (accessible crosswalks at more intersections, too).
I plan to host at least one town hall before each council meeting to solicit feedback on the upcoming agenda. I’ll also update constituents weekly via email, the city’s website, and Facebook.
Since I’m wholly committed to advancing residents’ interests, I decline contributions from businesses and political action committees (PACs).
To enhance citizen understanding and engagement, I’ll encourage Madison’s boards and committees to keep their minutes and upcoming events current.
I’ll make sure Madison City Schools has what it needs (in terms of infrastructure and leadership) for students and staff to thrive.
I propose an appointed youth council, with representatives from all seven districts, to advise the city’s government from that perspective.
Neighborhood parks, such as Homestead, Brass Oak, and Rollingwood, would benefit from equipment upgrades, restroom construction, and water fountains. I intend to explore those options.
What do you want out of Madison? Please let me know at (256) 936-9131,, or any of the social platforms linked below.
paid for by Kenneth Jackson Supporters, P.O. Box 1032, Madison, AL 35758